Top Ten Tuesday - High Priority Reads for 2025


Welcome back to another Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by that artsy reader girl since 2018. It was born out of a love for reading and making lists and aims to bring bookworms together. This week's topic is 2024 releases I was excited to read, but still haven't gotten to. So I don't generally read books just as they are released so instead I thought I'd list the books I couldn't get to last year that are going to be a priority for this year.

I haven't been able to visit many blogs last week since I've been pretty sick, but I'm better now and ready to visit everyone this week :) Also, I'm thinking of moving to WordPress, if anyone uses the free plan at WordPress, can you keep using it for free year after year or do they eventually start charging you? I'd love some guidance!

This Week's Topic - 2024 releases I was excited to read, but still haven't gotten to {High Priority Reads for 2025}

1. Werecats Emergent by Mark J. Engels

This is the book cover for Werecats Emergent by Mark J. Engels

Mark Engels requested a review some time ago, and though he didn't specify a deadline, I can't believe it's taking me this long to read and review his book. So Werecats Emergent will be the next book I read and I'm going to start reading it today itself. 

2. Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett

This is the book cover for Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett

My sister keeps asking me to read Emily Wilde so when I'm done reviewing the requests I've gotten this will be my first read.

3. Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson 

This is the book cover for Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

Although it's been years since the hype for Truly Devious started I still haven't read it. I'm going to make it a priority this year.

4. Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

This is the book cover for Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

I've been seeing Dance of Thieves in every bookstore I go to and it's insane that I haven't managed to start it yet. It's sitting on my shelf right as we speak.

5. The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

This is the book cover for The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

I've been hearing many mixed reviews about this book. Some people hate it while others love it. Hopefully, I'll soon find where I stand.

6. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

This is the book cover for Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

Howl's Moving Castle has been on my TBR for a while and this year is when I'll finally read and review it.

7. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

This is the book cover for A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Everyone keeps telling me I'm missing out by not reading this book, so I have to find out what the hype is about in the coming months.

8. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

This is the book cover for And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

I have only heard good things about and Then There Were None and a beginning Agatha Christie fan I'm going to make reading this book a big priority.

9. Caraval by Stephanie Garber

This is the book cover for Caraval by Stephanie Garber

I barely started Caraval last year just to see how the writing was. I hope to finish it this year.

Thanks for reading!

If you haven't read my review of Eunoia by Hannah Bree Campbell yet, you can do so here.

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  1. Howl and Emily Wilde are great. A Christmas Carol is best experienced at the end of December :D It does add to the reading

  2. I’m glad you’re feeling better!

  3. Ooh, this is a great list! I finally read Howl's last year and enjoyed it. Emily Wilde is also amazing, as is The Thursday Murder Club and Truly Devious. I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get to them :) Happy reading!

  4. So glad you're feeling better. Hope you continue to feel better as the week goes on. :) I enjoyed Truly Devious and hope to read the rest of the series books, too. I used the free side of Wordpress (that blog is still "live" though I never update it) for a while and I don't remember them charging. I don't know how they operate now though since that was set up several years ago. Hope if you do change, you find the process easy and what you need. :) Thanks for visiting my list today.

  5. Ohh, there are some really great books on your list! I hope you manage to get to them all this year!


  6. I enjoyed And Then There Were None. I also own The Christmas Carol by Dickens, but pretty sure I haven't read it.

  7. I am glad you are feeling better! I love the Heather Fawcett books and hope you will enjoy them when you read them! I want to read The Thursday Murder Club one of these days too. I really liked A Christmas Carol. I hope you get a chance to read all the books on your list and enjoy them!

  8. Howl's Moving Castle was an interesting read. I still need to read Emily Wilde and get back to Thursday Murder Club!

    So many books, so little time!

  9. Emily Wilde was a lot of fun! I still need to catch up on the sequel. Howl's Moving Castle has been on my list too, but I haven't read it yet. Hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them!

  10. I have enjoyed so many of these. I adore Emily Wilde!! I hope you get to these and enjoy them!!

  11. There are some good ones on your list!

  12. Glad you are feeling better! I feel like every week someone is praising Emily Wilde, so I also need to get to it soon. Happy reading!

  13. That Heather Fawcett book was amazing. Enjoy all of these!

  14. I really liked Dance of Thieves! I hope you do as well. I have Howl's Moving Castle and want to read it with my kids this year. The FairyLoot edition is GORGEOUS.

  15. I highly recommend The Thursday Murder Club and Emily Wilde. I do enjoy A Christmas Carol over Christmas.

    I've been using the free wordpress since 2021 and haven't been charged yet...

    Have a great week!

  16. You've got some good looking books on there. Good luck with Dickens, I couldn't read him. And good luck with the murder club, I tried listening to the audiobook but there were so many characters I was getting confused and gave up. Howls moving Castle is one of my favourite animated movies so I hope the book is as good.

    As for WordPress, I've been using the free version for years and have never had to pay or upgrade.

  17. I'm glad you are feeling better. Great list of books.

  18. Howl’s Moving Castle is my favorite book of all time and I highly recommend it. I read the entire Emily Wilde series this year and had a great time with it. Hope you get to all of these books soon. Thank you for checking out my TTT.

  19. Have you read much Agatha Christie? Her stories are like chocolate potato chips in that as soon as I have one, I immediately want another.
    I hope you get to enjoy all of these this year.

  20. This is a great list, and you've got so many reads that are on my TBR! I'm so glad that I'm not the last person who hasn't read The Thursday Murder Club. Emily Wilde is one of my favorites, and I hope you love all of these.

  21. Great list! I love A Christmas Carol. Have a good week!

  22. I ADORE Howl's Moving Castle and Emily Wilde so I hope you enjoy those! I want to read And Then There Were None and The Thursday Murder Club, too. :)


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